BRAC James P Grant School of Public Health, BRAC University (BRAC JPGSPH); the International Centre for Climate Change & Development (ICCCAD), Independent University of Bangladesh (IUB); and Asian University for Women (AUW) are working to collaboratively design and implement the ‘Transformative Competency-Based Public Health Education for Professional Employability in Bangladesh’s Health Sector (TRANS4M-PH)’ project, from 2019-2021.
This pioneering tripartite institutional partnership, led by BRAC JPGSPH, aims to transform 12 courses from BRAC JPGSPH, IUB and AUW will be transformed into competency-based curricula and 36 faculty will be trained to facilitate competency-based public health courses that will enhance the professional employability of public health graduates in the health sector of Bangladesh. Through this project, we are creating a core group of indigenous faculty trained in best-practice facilitation while creatively using appropriate contextualized pedagogy. This, in turn, will substantially improve students’ practical public health skillsets towards greater employability.
The Trans4m-PH model allows BRAC JPGSPH, IUB and AUW to create a holistic learning ecosystem which standardizes, disseminates and organically expands the competency-based learning models benefitting each of these institutions.
The University of Maastricht (UM), Netherlands and Institute of Development Studies (IDS), University of Sussex, UK will collaborate as the project’s Technical Partners. UM has a global health network and designs competency-based curriculum, with a student centred and problem-based learning approach. IDS is a leading institution in developing innovative Teaching and Learning strategies.
The Trans4m-PH project partners have been jointly awarded the prestigious European Union 2018 ERASMUS+ ‘Capacity Building in Higher Education’ Grant in December 2018.
About the E-Learning Hub
The E-Learning Hub is a network connecting the 3 National partner HEIs (AUW, BRAC JPGSPH, and ICCCAD-IUB) and 2 Technical partner HEIs (UM and IDS) for sharing resource materials including list of achieved deliverables for each courses, learner and faculty facilitator manuals, lab/field/theory documents/video/forms/quality assurance measures and other relevant materials and other project products.
The Hub will act as a platform for delivering short Professional Skills Training Online Courses to faculty nationally, regionally, and even globally for capacity building on delivering contextualized competency-based public health education. The Hub is open to be accessed and used by PH learners, professionals and the incoming faculty in the future. The trained faculty can also use this platform to reorient themselves with the process prior to providing effective mentoring to the new faculty.
Implementing Partners :

Technical Partners :